Annual reports

Annual reports by the Standards Commissioner

The Standards in Public Life Act requires the Commissioner for Standards to present a report on the performance of his functions at least annually to the Speaker of the House of Representatives. The Speaker must lay the report before the House.

The first Commissioner was appointed on 12 November 2018, so his first annual report was an interim document covering a period of one year from this date. Later on he issued a definitive report covering the period from 12 November 2018 to the end of 2019 and including audited financial statements for the entire period. Subsequent annual reports correspond to calendar years.

Annual report for 2023
Presented in Parliament on 8 July 2024

Annual report for 2022
Presented in Parliament on 21 November 2023

Annual report for 2021
Presented to the Speaker on 5 August 2022

Annual report for 2020
Presented in Parliament on 24 May 2021

Annual report 12 November 2018 – 31 December 2019
Presented in Parliament on 25 May 2020

Interim report 12 November 2018 – 11 November 2019
Presented in Parliament on 20 April 2020

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